Our Solutions

Our focus is the continuous improvement of your sales process. This involves understanding and activating the potential of brands and markets. This is exactly what our services offer in an optimal combination

Sales Strategy Consulting 

Our consultancy is your strategic partner in sales optimisation and category management. The focus here is on the conception of the individual category management strategy as well as the design of the ideal processes for the provision of the service at the POS. In both cases, the first step is a comprehensive due diligence and the implementation in the company based on a clear concept. We often accompany our clients' teams as coaches and ensure a fast and comprehensive build-up of know-how.

Team Building & Change 

In the context of many implementation projects, the integration of processes into the organisation becomes an elementary success factor. We accompany this necessary transformation process in many ways. Team development, the introduction of agile project structures - usually then also cross-functional, as well as the anchoring of the central strategy in the form of goal-oriented employee appraisals are components of our holistic approach. We accompany your teams in the continuous development of sales excellence

Shopper Insight Research 

We design and implement the complete range of shopper research for you. From tactical online tests to comprehensive basic shopper studies. The elaboration of the central research questions, the development of the working hypotheses as well as the allocation of suitable methods always form the basis for the work. As a result, we always pay attention to the relevance of the results and derivations - we work from practice for practice with a strong operational focus.

Virtual Reality Solutions 

With VR INSIGHT we offer you the market-leading platform for shopbuilding, space planning, research and communication in virtual reality. In a highly immersive shopping environment with full interaction capability, all key figures of classic shopper research are recorded and evaluated. The quality of the insights enables a direct transfer into realisable POS solutions. Already in the first year after the founding of the unit, the outstanding achievements of VR INSIGHT were recognised by the EHI with the reta award "Best Supplier Retail 2020".

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